Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Recent meetings recap

Loryn, Heather and I met on April 6th from 7-9pm and again tonight, April 8th from 7-8:15pm to practice our presentation. We changed up the order of the slides, so our presentation order will go like this:
1. Heather--background on goodreads
2. Loryn--web tour of goodreads
3. Jessica--practical applications of goodreads for the teen librarian

Heather created the original slides.
Jessica edited the slides for final presentation.

See you Friday!


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Recent Meeting(s) Recap

Heather and I met on 3/25 and again on 3/31 at 7pm via elluminate to discuss our powerpoint presentation for goodreads.

Agenda items:
*Heather created the initial powerpoint slide presentation.
*Jessica will edit the slides for final presentation.
*Heather to set up elluminate practice session for all 3 of us on Monday, 4/6 from 7-9pm.
Important: All of us must prepare our portion of the presentation (know what we will say) in advance of the meeting on 4/6. That will be our first opportunity to run through the powerpoint in elluminate together, and we plan on doing this several times to get it down.

An additional elluminate practice tbd prior to the presentation on 4/10.
